eRAMP SQL Error SQL Server does not exist or access is denied

eRAMP SQL Error [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect(),]SQL Server does not exist or access is denied

Problem: eRAMP v10 was installed and when the program is opened for the first time an error message displays:

      "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect(),]SQL Server does not exist or access is denied."

Cause: With eRAMP version 10 a new folder called eramp_data has been created to store eRAMP data files. One of the data files directs eRAMP to open the eRAMP SQL database. In some cases depending on how eRAMP was originally installed the data file with the connection instructions is missing from the new eramp_data folder.

Resolution: To correct this issue start eRAMP. Follow these steps:
  1. Start eRAMP and go to Settings and then Client Settings
  2. At the bottom of the client settings screen re-enter the server name and database path and click apply.
  3. After updating the database path restart eRAMP. You should connect to your SQL database as with the previous version of eRAMP.

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