MINGenerator - Deleting MINs and starting over

MINGenerator - Deleting MINs and starting over

Problem: We would like to delete all MINs generated and restart at the beginning number.

Resolution: To restart at a beginning number all previously generated MINs have to be deleted from the database and a new starting MIN as to be entered.

Since it is so critical to not have a duplicate MIN number be sure to only reset MINGenerator to a new never used MIN. To delete all previously calculated MINs click MIN>Tracker>Delete All. Then go to the Settings>Client screen and reset the MIN number to your staring MIN. You may not be able to start at 1 due to the check digit formula but you can start with a new starting point for MINGenerator to start calculating MINs.

See knowledgebase article:

MINGenerator - Starting first MIN at 1 for more information.

Please be careful when deleting and generating new MINS. It is important to never use a duplicate MIN number. Even if all MINs are deleted MINGenerator will always remember the last MIN generated as long as you do not go back and change the MIN under Settings>Client.

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