Registration Certificates Not showing in Certificates Folder

Registration Certificates Not showing in Certificates Folder

Issue:  After cloning eRAMP to a new PC the Registration Certificates indicate that they are being created but they do not appear in the Certificates Folder.
Cause:  There are a few possible causes for this issue to occur.  


  1. Verify that the new PC has NET Framework 3.5 or higher installed.  If it is missing, go to Microsoft Windows online to download and install.
  2. Check your eRAMP files typically found in Program Files (x86) > eRAMP  for  ERAMP_DOC_REGISTRATION_Template.PDF  

            If this file is missing  see attached.  Copy and paste to your Program Files (x86)> eRAMP folder orwherever you have your eRAMP.exe file located

Another place to check is the Client Tab under the Setting Menu in eRAMP.

  1. Verify that the Database Directory at the very bottom of the screen is pointing to the location of your database.
  2. Verify that the Folders Location is pointing to the correct location of the folders.

                  Make this a two step process; hitting Apply for one setting, then the second setting.