Servicer with different ORG ID

Setting up Servicer with different ORG ID During Registration

Applies to:  All eRAMP Versions

Issue:  Lender has a different ORG ID for servicing loans.  Lender needs a one step process to Register loans with the alternative ORG ID.

eRAMP Version will allow loans to be Registered with an Alternative Servicer ORG ID.  In order to access this enhancement see the following steps:

1.  Adjust the CSV Batch Export file from the LOS to include a column listing the desired Servicer name, AKA or Org ID.
2.  Go to Settings>Registration File Template to this column position into the Servicer Field position field.  
3.  Go to Settings>Servicer to ADD (left hand side) the New servicer
4.  In the same window add an AKA to match the import data if the data is different than than the name set up in step 3 above.
When data is imported eRAMP will try to match the data to the Name set up in the Servicer Settings record. If there is no match to a name, then eRAMP will try to match to the AKA flist of names.
eRAMP default setting when importing registration records is to set the Investor and Servicer with the same ORG ID. The above process must be followed if you would like the Investor and Servicer to be different. There is no option to change the investor when registering loans. Please contact our support team if you would like to register loans for a different investor.

After completing the Servicer set up all loans with a matching name or AKA from your LOS CSV import will will import and Register with a different servicer.

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