eRAMP SSPI Error generated by SQL Server

SSPI Error generated by SQL Server

The SSPI Error is generated by SQL Server. SSPI is Security Support Provider Interface.


The eRAMP connection string is:

      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=false; Initial Catalog=ERAMP;Application Name=eRAMP;DataSource=[entered via eRAMP db path dialog box]


To correct the SSPI error a special version of eRAMP must be created for the eRAMP user.  If you receive the SSPI error contact Cyberlink support to order a version of eRAMP that is compatible with the Security Support Provider Interface. 


The special version of eRAMP will change the SQL Server connection string to remove SSPI and add a SQL Server userid and password.


To use the special version of eRAMP the user will have to create a SQL Server account in their SQL Server with the following:





Follow the steps below on your SQL Server to correct the SSPI error and setup your SQL database to work with the special eRAMP update:


1. Create new Login ERAMP with the SQL Server authentication option and password ERAMP_APP and default database ERAMP


2. Add new user:

      ERAMP with Login ERAMP to the ERAMP database users group with read/write access


3. Replace your current eramp.exe with the updated special version of eramp.exe downloaded.


If you have any questions please submit a ticket to our support team.

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